12 DE dezembro DE 2017, BY: EDUARDO MORAIS | CATEGORY: Digital Presence

Having a quality digital presence means being found, passing credibility, delivering relevant content, and a good relationship with the public. For this, there are adequate channels, tools and methods that enhance these actions. Learn more!

The Internet is the second most used means of communication to seek information daily in Brazil, behind only TV, with almost 100 million people accessing the network. More than 90% of Brazilian internet users search the web before buying something, and 51.3 million is the number of them that have shop online. The trend is that these numbers won't stop growing.


In a connected world, even more with the advancement of mobile technology, it is essential that your business is on the web. Having a quality digital presence means being found, passing credibility, delivering relevant content, and relating to the public. For this there are channels, tools and methods that enhance these actions, always aiming for the success of your business.


Once people are interested in a product or service, it is only natural that they search more information on the Internet. That's where a quality digital presence can make the difference for your business to get more chances to win the users confidence and consequently increase the winnings of your business.


For starters, it is essential that your business has a website. This is the company's official channel. A well-developed website gives users credibility and becomes relevant to Google, which is used by more than 90% of the global population. Appearing on the first page of the search engine can generate countless opportunities to turn leads into customers. SEO strategies (Search Engine Optimization) and sponsored links campaigns help in this process.


Social networks are also essential for your company to maintain a strong digital presence. More and more people use them to search for information about products and services. The possibilities are many, but it is not necessary to be in most of them. Be at least one, but effectively. A fanpage with good design coupled with quality content can engender your audience with your trade.


Strategies for possessing a quality digital presence may seem simple, but it also requires knowledge of marketing methods, programming, design, communication. Using these resources effectively, companies can raise their reputation in the digital world by becoming a reference in the subject.

Here are seven basic steps for your company to have a quality digital presence:

1 - Have a website;

2 - Use corporate email;

3 - Communicate in a professional way;

4 - Stay in at least one social network;

5 - Produce quality content;

6 - Relate to your audience;

5 - Optimize your site for search engines;

6 - Invest in Sponsored Links;

7 - Monitor the results.


If your company needs a helping hand to realize any of the above topics, Clickweb is available to help your business be competitive in the online environment. Get to know all our digital marketing services by visiting here. (LINK)

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