Mobile Apps Development
The comScore the measurement leader in digital world, partner with Internet Media Services, the biggest hub of digital ways of Silicon Valley, disclosed in one recent search that 99% of mobile device users in America Latina, have apps in their smartphones or tablets, and that Brazilians use on average 16 apps in their mobile devices. This tendency consolidates with the fact that in Brazil, 95% of use their mobile devices to browse on internet.
Together with the rising tendency to use smartphones and mobile apps, Clickweb offers, among its digital solutions, the development of mobile apps for operating systems like iOS (Apple) and Android. The mobile apps that Clickweb develop, permit you to take along your business in an actual and dynamical way to smartphones and tablets of users with affinity who are looking for solutions that your company can offer.
Among the most recent mobile apps developed by Clickweb, is the ADAMA Alvo, that helps the farmer to identify the main pests, herbs and diseases in the Brazilian soybean, corn, wheat and cotton crops through of a complete image database. And the VillaMix app, that has interactive resources like radio and streaming transmission of all editions of the biggest country music festival in the Brazil. The app surpassed 15 thousand downloads on AppStore and Google Play.
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